Why I shoot Boudoir Photography

Downtown Seattle Boudoir Hotel Vintage

My “Why” for shooting boudoir

Downtown Seattle Boudoir Hotel Vintage

When someone asks why I shoot boudoir photography, instantly a million reasons come to my mind. For me, it is the most powerful and empowering of all the categories of photography. It is not just taking photos of women to sexualize their bodies, but it is a profound, intimate and spiritual experience that is as personal and unique and every client is.

Boudoir is a way to face your greatest fears and insecurities about your body to strip away the lies that have been created and told by society, family, friends, and most importantly, yourself. We are our own worst critics when we look in the mirror, and boudoir empowers women to look at themselves through different lenses of love and acceptance.

It is a beautiful way to celebrate the incredible body that has carried you through this life, never giving up on you, judging you, or turning it’s back on you. Whether or not you have felt resentment, disappointment or anger towards your body, it has and always love you unconditionally. And that is so, so special!

I choose to shoot boudoir because I see the divine goddess in every single woman – and I want you to not only see her, but to feel her as well. I want you to embody self-love, self-confidence, acceptance, and to become empowered to connect to your divine feminine energy…and may that goddess crown be placed on top of your head and never come off!

The Transformation

THIS is why I do what I do – to co-create and become witness to the deep magic that happens during a boudoir experience.

Most women who choose to do boudoir have never done anything like this before, and they can feel nervous and seriously out of their comfort zone. It is not every day you find yourself mostly to completely naked in front of someone else, or who isn’t your significant other.

Many struggle with body image and loving every piece of themselves, even our imperfections. There might have been weight loss or gain, pregnancies, medical issues – things that can cause our bodies to change drastically.

But change is normal and not a bad thing! Boudoir is about embracing and showing love to what we have – and not focusing on what we used to have or wish we had.

Other women who choose a boudoir session for themselves may have emotional and mental obstacles when it comes to their bodies. This can be due to various experiences they lived in their past, such as childhood traumas, toxic relationships, divorce, etc.

Whatever stories you walk in with, know that you are loved, seen, valued and appreciated for who you are and the goddess that is inside of you.

The internal shift, the energetic transformation that women experience during their boudoir shoot is the reason I do what I do! To see them arrive as women, nervous and unsure, and blossom into radiant, empowered, sexy and sensual goddesses who believe in their worth, value, and beauty is the magic that I live for!

A Little Piece of My Story

I understand what it means to have become seduced by the power of boudoir photography and the deep personal impact it makes on the mind and in the heart of a woman. I have been that woman, and continue to be.

When my husband and I divorced, I was left to raise our boys who were 1, 3, and 5 years old. At the time, I was 50 lbs overweight, devastated, overwhelmed, and suffering from debilitatingly low self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-love.

I slowly started to rebuild my life. The first thing I lost was the weight, but unfortunately, I kept hold of everything else. Even though I was consciously buying smaller sized clothing, I still saw myself as the lonely, fat, undesirable woman in the mirror.

It was suggested by a dear friend that I have a boudoir shoot for myself, and so I went for it. I had no idea what I was getting into, but I was forever changed!

Downtown seattle boudoir studio
Downtown Seattle Boudoir Photography Studio

Yup! That’s me at my boudoir shoot!

Sometimes it’s hard to explain in words just how much my boudoir sessions (yup, I’ve had several!) have helped heal the broken pieces of my heart. Each time, my eyes are opened even more to who I am, and who I strive to be. Every session, I connect deeper to my divine feminine essence. I embody her. I feel my vibration rising to become her. She breathes into me and I inhale her affirming, life-giving love. Her sensual energy moves through me, flowing into my hips, lips and fingertips. Sexual electricity begins to ripple through me. The expansive infinite power of my divine feminine spills out of me, and we are one.

I am no longer just a woman but a sovereign goddess of the utmost high. I am worthy, beautiful, confident, sexy, sensual, and powerful!

Now I carry this knowing with me now everywhere I go. When I temporarily slip back to old beliefs, my boudoir photos are always there to remind me of who I am.

This is why I am so passionate about boudoir photography, and the experience I dream every woman of having for herself. They are not just photos of your booty and your chest, oh no! They represent healing, loving yourself, acceptance, and the celebration of who are and who you’ve fought hard to become.

I take pride in handing you your crown, watching you place it on your head as you transform into the goddess you were always meant to be, and taking the most beautiful photos of you as you do.

Are you interested in having a boudoir shoot as well?

Join Our Boudoir Community on Facebook!

Our group on Facebook is a place for women to come together and help each other to rise! It is not just to talk about boudoir photography, but is a safe place to lift one another up while learning how to more deeply love, accept, embrace, and care for ourselves.

If you’re a client, or thinking about doing a session, this is the place to be! We also run contests and special sales in our group from time to time.

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